
Inspire, educate, and prepare each student for success in a changing world.
To be among the world's leaders in education, enriching the lives of military-connected students and the communities in which they live.
Alconbury Middle High School Goals
Regular Hours | Wednesday Hours | |
Office Hours | 0700 - 1600 | 0700-1600 |
School Hours | 0820-1500 | 0820-1420 |
Lunch Hours | 1257-1337 | 1227-1307 |
Name | Position | Phone |
Brian Atkins-Hash | Registrar | 01638460131 |
Sheri Black | Special Education | |
Steven Casner | School Counselor | |
Danielle Boyett | Nurse | 01638460122 |
attendance.alcohs@dodea.edu Email | Attendance | |
Terry Hogan | Administrative Officer | |
Ms. Susan Berneau Information Specialist | Information Specialist | |
Lauren Nulf | School Secretary | +44 (0)1638460120 |
Jack Wade | School Psychologist |
Director's Message: Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez
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Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Members of our Community,
I am delighted to welcome you to the 2024/2025 DoDEA School Year. As the new Director I am committed to continuous improvement to elevate excellence across our system. There is so much to look forward to!
This year we are thrilled that 80 of our elementary schools around the world will now be offering Universal Prekindergarten. We know that attending prekindergarten is such an important step in a student’s academic career and social development. This is a transformational change for DoDEA, and we are so excited to welcome our youngest learners to our schools.
An ongoing priority for DoDEA is the vital task of ensuring that every classroom across our 161 schools is staffed with a highly qualified teacher starting on the first day of school. We have continued to refine our hiring procedures to make that happen and recently adopted 100% reciprocity for teacher certification from every state, resulting in substantial growth for our pool of highly qualified applicants.
And finally, we are continuing to build upon DoDEA’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports, a proactive and comprehensive approach to develop the potential of every student by providing high-quality instruction and increasingly intensive support based on students’ needs.
Thank you for everything you do as a valued partner in your child’s education and for helping us to ensure that we continue to deliver on our promise of Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere.
Related regulations
Parents are encouraged to follow the chain of command when issues/concerns arise: please speak with your child’s teacher first, then administration.
Ms. Jennifer Seguin
Alconbury MHS Principal

Ms. Jennifer Seguin is excited to return to England and serve as the next principal of Alconbury Middle High School. For more than two years, she has had the privilege to lead the staff as the Assistant Principal at Garmisch Elementary Middle School (GEMS). Prior to being at GEMS, Ms. Seguin worked as the Assistant Principal for Landstuhl Elementary School.
Ms. Seguin earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Carlow University. She continued her academic journey, obtaining a Master’s Degree in Education with a concentration in Teaching Students of Other Languages from Shenandoah University. Her passion for leadership led her to complete an Educational Specialist (Ed.S) degree in Educational Leadership from Liberty University.
Ms. Seguin’s teaching career began in 2004 in Hampton, Virginia, where she taught fifth-grade ESOL. In 2010, she joined DoDEA, teaching fifth grade at Andersen Elementary in Guam. Two years later, she moved to England and spent a year teaching math support and second grade at Alconbury Elementary. She then spent 7 years at Feltwell Elementary where she taught 4th/5th grade multiage, fifth grade, fourth grade, math support, and STEM.
As principal, Ms. Seguin is dedicated to creating a nurturing and empowering environment where students can thrive. She advocates for learning communities that value and support individual learning styles. Ms. Seguin is committed to excellence, student well-being, and working with parents and stakeholders to foster a positive school culture.
Beyond her professional life, Ms. Seguin enjoys an active lifestyle with her husband. They love to travel, hike with their dogs, and ski. Ms. Seguin is also an avid softball player, participating in tournaments across Europe.
Taekisha Vaughan
Alconbury MHS Assistant Principal

Dr. Tonya Laliberte
United Kingdom Community Superintendent

Dr. Tonya Laliberte served with DoDEA-Europe’s Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) as a Professional Practice Improvement Specialist (PPIS). As a PPIS, Dr. Laliberte has supported school administrators through coaching and job-embedded professional learning and has designed and delivered professional learning for school leaders across the Europe Region.
Dr. Laliberte began her career in San Antonio, Texas, where she taught middle school ELA, Social Studies, and various other electives. She later moved to Kansas and taught third grade students. A family move back to Texas led her into Irving ISD, Arlington ISD, and Keller ISD where she taught grades 3-6 over the course of the next fourteen years.
Dr. Laliberte joined DoDEA in 2010 as a gifted education teacher at Fort Campbell, KY. From there she served as the Assistant Principal of Mendel Elementary School at Yokota Air Base, Japan. In 2013 she became the Principal of Yokota Middle School. In 2017, she was named the Secondary Principal of the Year for the Pacific East Region. In 2017, Dr. Laliberte and her family moved to Wiesbaden, Germany where she served as the elementary school principal for Hainerberg Elementary School, now Wiesbaden Elementary School. She supported the staff and community into the transition of their new 21st Century facility.
“I have a strong passion for education, developing leaders and supporting DoDEA’s military-connected students,” said Dr. Laliberte. “I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to support the Europe West District schools and community.”
She is married and has three children (Tristan, Cassie, Christian), two of which are DoDEA graduates and the third is a freshman in high school. She recognizes that none of this would be possible without the extraordinary support of her husband, Shannon, who has supported and encouraged her through her DoDEA career.
General Information
General Information
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
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The Department of Defense (DoD), in collaboration with the National Center for Interstate Compacts and the Council of State Governments, has developed an interstate compact that addresses the educational transition issues of children of active duty military-connected families. Currently, all 50 states, DoDEA and the District of Columbia participate in this interstate compact, which provides uniform policy for resolving the educational challenges experienced by military-connected children as they transition between school systems.
We encourage all of our families preparing to transition, to, from or within a DoDEA and/or stateside school system to engage with the School Liaison (SLO) from the sending and receiving locations. The SLO is the local contact for schools and has valuable information about school calendars, hybrid learning, early enrollment, student services, how to manage quarantine requirements and more.
“Call your SLO before you go”
In order to prepare records for your students school transition.
A directory of School Liaisons is updated annually and can be found at: https://www.dodea.edu/education/partnership-and-resources
The Compact ensures that mobile children of military families are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children. States participating in the Compact work to coordinate graduation requirements, transfer of records, course placement, unique learning needs, assessments and other administrative policies.
For additional information or transition support, please contact hq.partnership@dodea.edu or call the Partnership office at 571-372-6026.
Access to School Facilities
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If the principal permits a school to operate a limited open forum by maintaining a practice of allowing any single non-curriculum-related student group access to school facilities, the principal shall ensure that all of such student groups (including activities of religious nature) are permitted equal access to meet on school premises and use school facilities during non-instructional time. Access to groups may be denied if the principal determines that a student or student group has or is likely to substantially interfere with good order or discipline or violate any Federal, state, or local law, or DoD or DoDEA regulation/policy.
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Visitors and Volunteers
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For the protection of students and staff, all visitors must report to the school’s front office immediately upon arriving at the school. A visitor is any person (to include parents, sponsors, and legal guardians) not enrolled or assigned to the school requesting entry to the building.
Visitors must provide authorized identification to gain access to the DoDEA school. The visitor will be issued a visitor badge that must be displayed above the waist while on DoDEA school property. The school administrator has the final determination on visitors authorized to be at the school. While on DoDEA school property, visitors may go only to the approved area indicated as their destination when signing in at the school’s front office. Any change to the designated location must be approved by the school’s front office before the visitor can access a different location within the school. When leaving the school, visitors must sign out and return the visitor's badge to the school’s front office.
Classroom Observations
Parents are welcome to visit the school and classrooms to observe the school’s programs for brief periods of time that do not interfere with instruction. Approval by the school administrator is required for this type of visitation.
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DoD School Liaison Program
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School Liaisons serve as the primary point of contact for PK-12th grade school-related matters. The School Liaison Program offers an array of services and resources to support students, parents, installation leadership, schools and the surrounding community. They inform parents about local schools, graduation requirements, afterschool programs, homeschooling and much more. By working together with these stakeholders, the School Liaison Program builds a support network to provide the best possible education experience for military-connected children and youth worldwide.
The School Liaisons Program goals are to:
- Identify barriers to academic success and develop solutions
- Promote parental involvement and educate local communities and schools regarding the needs of military children
- Develop and coordinate partnerships in education
- Provide students, parents, and school personnel with the tools they need to overcome obstacles to education that stem from the military lifestyle
The School Liaison:
- Serves as the primary point of contact for school-related matters
- Represents, informs, and assists Command
- Assists military families with educational issues
- Coordinates with local school systems
- Forges partnerships between the military, community and schools
School Liaisons are located at each installation to provide information as well as build partnerships with the civilian and military community to help address common education challenges of military families. School Liaisons are also an initial contact for participation in the Youth Sponsorship Program which builds resilience in youth and eases transition. School Liaison support is free of charge and open to all Department of Defense identification card holders, educators who serve military students and community partners involved with PK-12 education. For more information on the School Liaison Program visit School Liaisons & Military Youth | Military OneSource
To find a School Liaison in your community use this link School Liaison Contacts MILITARY INSTALLATIONS
Whether you're planning a move to your next installation or want to know more about your current duty station, MilitaryINSTALLATIONS, one of many free resources from Military OneSource, is the place to get answers. Use it to find installation overviews, contacts for programs and services, check-in procedures, and community information for installations worldwide.
Related regulations
Student Eligibility
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Eligibility categories to enroll in a DoDEA school include space required, space available, tuition-free and tuition-paying with requirements differing by geographic location in accordance with public law and DoDEA policy. Sponsors must meet eligibility requirements as outlined in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1344.01, “Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements for DoDEA Schools.”
Eligibility requirements by geographic location:
Section 3: DoDEA Schools in Europe, Pacific (Excluding Guam), and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Section 4: DoDEA Americas Schools in the Contiguous United States
Section 5: DoDEA Americas Schools in Guam and Puerto Rico
Additional information about student eligibility and registration can be found on the DoDEA website: Registration Process – Eligibility and Enrollment
Related regulations
Grade-Level Placement
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Kindergarten and grade 1 placements are determined by minimum age requirements, in accordance with Enclosure 2 of DoDEA Regulation 2000.03, “Student Grade Level Placement,” March 2, 2010. A student who will reach his or her fifth birthday on or before September 1 of the school year is eligible to be enrolled in kindergarten in DoDEA. In addition, a student who will reach his or her sixth birthday on or before September 1 of the school year is eligible to enroll in grade 1 in DoDEA. Placement in grades 2–8 is predicated upon completion of the preceding year. Students entering a DoDEA school (kindergarten through grade 8) from a non-American or host nation school will be placed in the grade level corresponding to their ages, assuming yearly progression from grades 1–8.
Grade-level status (grades 9, 10, 11, and 12) will be determined by the number of course credit units earned by the student, in accordance with Section 2 of DoDEA Regulation 2000.3, “Student Grade Level Placement,” March 2, 2010. Students entering grade 9 must have successfully completed grade 8 and/or been previously enrolled in grade 9 and earned less than 6 credits. Students entering grade 10 must have successfully completed grade 9 and earned a minimum of 6 course credits. Students entering grade 11 must have successfully completed grade 10 and earned a minimum of 12 course credits. Students entering grade 12 must have successfully completed grade 11 and earned a minimum of 19 course credits.
In accordance with DoDI 1342.29, “Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children,” January 31, 2019, for students transitioning from a sending school system to a DoDEA school, at the time of transition and regardless of the age of the student, the DoDEA school shall enroll the transitioning student in the same grade level as the student’s grade level (i.e. in kindergarten through grade 12) in the sending state’s local educational agency. For kindergarten, the student must have been enrolled in and attended kindergarten class in order to assure continued attendance in kindergarten in a DoDEA school. Students who have satisfactorily completed the prerequisite grade level in the sending school system will be eligible for enrollment in the next higher grade level in the DoDEA school, regardless of the student’s age.
All DoDEA students, including students with disabilities, English language learners (ELLs), and students with accommodation plans, should be afforded the opportunity to participate in the standard DoDEA secondary curriculum, as appropriate, based upon their individual circumstances.
Transcripts/Records Policy/Access to Student Records
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Student records and transcripts may be requested from several different sources, depending upon the student’s last date of attendance or graduation date. Parents/sponsors of current and prospective elementary/middle/high school students should contact the school’s registrar directly for assistance. For further information, please visit the DoDEA Transcripts. You may also consult with the counseling department at your child’s school for issues regarding student records.
Related regulations
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)/Language Services
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An English language learner (ELL) is a student whose first language is not English and is in the process of acquiring English as an additional language. In accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2440.1, DoDEA’s English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program is designed to teach ELLs to acquire English language and literacy proficiency through content. The ESOL Program builds students’ social, cultural, and academic skills so that identified ELLs succeed in an English language academic environment that provides access to college- and career-ready opportunities as their English-speaking peers.
The ESOL Program involves teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, and study skills at the appropriate developmental and English language proficiency levels. This is accomplished by teaching language through a standards-based, high-quality academic content that pursues the student’s orientation within the United States culture. The ESOL Program’s instruction can be delivered in a variety of settings and program configurations. The scope and amount of ESOL instruction provided is determined by the student’s age, grade level, academic needs, and an English language proficiency evaluation. DoDEA’s ELLs may receive instruction both through the ESOL Program and within the main classroom setting.
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Attendance Policy
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In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, “School Attendance,” August 26, 2011, as amended, school attendance is mandatory. All students are required to attend school to ensure continuity of instruction and that they successfully meet academic standards and demonstrate continuous educational progress. School attendance is a joint responsibility between the parent or sponsor, student, classroom teacher, school personnel, and, in some cases, the Command. Students with excessive school absences (or tardiness) shall be monitored by the Student Support Team to assist in the completion of all required work and successful mastery of course objectives.
Daily student attendance is identified based upon a quarter of the school day formula. Students will be identified as present or absent, based on the following criteria:
- Absent up to 25% of the school day = absent one-quarter of the school day
- Absent between 26%–50% of the school day = absent one-half of the school day
- Absent 51%–75% of the school day = absent three-quarters of the school day
- Absent 76%–100% of the school day = full-day absence
DoDEA considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school for reasons other than school-related activities:
- Personal illness;
- Medical, dental, or mental health appointment;
- Serious illness in the student’s immediate family;
- A death in the student’s immediate family or of a relative;
- Religious holiday;
- Emergency conditions such as fire, flood, or storm;
- Unique family circumstances warranting absence and coordinated with school administration;
- College visits that cannot be scheduled on non-school days; and
- A pandemic event.
Unexcused absences may result in school disciplinary actions. An absence from school or a class without written verification from a parent or sponsor will be unexcused. Student attendance is calculated based upon the date of enrollment in a DoDEA school, which may occur anytime during the school year. Student attendance monitoring is designed to provide a continuum of intervention and services to support families and children in keeping children in school and combating truancy and educational neglect. Parents should notify the school of their child’s absence 30 minutes after the start of the school day. Too many unexcused absences may trigger the Student Support Team to convene.
Related regulations
Accelerated Withdrawal
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The Principal may authorize an accelerated withdrawal of a student who must withdraw from school 20 or less instructional days prior to the end of a semester, in accordance with Section 3.1.d, of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1367.01, “High School Graduation Requirements and Policy,” [TBD]. Accelerated withdrawal will only be considered if the parent/sponsor presents PCS orders. The parent or sponsor must present verification of the date required for the student to depart from the school (e.g., PCS orders). All of the conditions of an accelerated study program outlined by the student’s teachers must be met prior to withdrawal in order for grades to be assigned and credit to be granted. Students who withdraw prior to the 20-day limitation of the accelerated withdrawal policy will receive “withdrawal” grades rather than final grades. In this case, the sponsor/parent should notify the school two weeks prior to the date of withdrawal.
Home-school Students
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DoDEA recognizes that home schooling is a sponsor’s right and may be a legitimate alternative form of education for the sponsor’s dependent(s). Home-school students who are eligible to enroll in a DoDEA-Europe, DoDEA-Pacific and DoDEA-Americas school are eligible to utilize DoDEA auxiliary services without being required to either enroll in or register for a minimum number of courses offered by the school. Eligible DoD home-school students using or receiving auxiliary services must meet the same eligibility and standards of conduct requirements applicable to students enrolled in the DoDEA school who use or receive the same auxiliary services. Any student, including eligible DoD dependent home-school students, who has not met the graduation requirements to earn a DoDEA diploma may not receive DoDEA commencement regalia, the DoDEA diploma, nor participate (walk) in a DoDEA commencement ceremony.
Related regulations
Immunization Requirements
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Students who enroll in DoDEA schools are required to meet specific immunization requirements (DoDEA Regulation 2942.01, "School Health Services," September 2, 2016). These requirements represent the minimum and do not necessarily reflect the optimal immunization status for a student. Acceptable forms of official proof of immunization status may include, but are not limited to:
- Yellow international immunization records;
- State agency-generated immunization certificates;
- School-generated immunization certificates; and
- Physician, clinic or hospital-generated immunization records.
It is the responsibility of the sponsor/parent/guardian to provide their child's most current immunization record at the time of enrollment and when immunizations are updated. Parents of incoming students are allowed up to 30 days from the date of enrollment to obtain documentation of any missing required immunization(s). If the missing required immunization is a series, then the first dose of the series must be administered, and documentation must be provided to the school within the required 30 days. Students who have immunization(s) due during the school year will have 10 calendar days from the due date to receive their vaccine(s) and to submit documentation to the school. The due date of a vaccine is on the date the student reaches the minimum recommended age for vaccine administration.
DoDEA Immunization Requirements SY 24-25
Related regulations
Immunization Exemptions
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A waiver for immunization exemption may be granted for medical or religious reasons. Philosophical exemptions are not permitted. The applicable DoD Command must provide guidance on the waiver process.
A statement from the child’s health care provider is required if an immunization cannot be administered because of a chronic medical condition wherein the vaccine is permanently contraindicated or because of natural immunity. The statement must document the reason why the child is exempt. This request for immunization exemption from specific vaccines due to vaccine contraindications or natural immunity must be completed and submitted to the school at the beginning of the child’s enrollment or when a vaccine is due. Request for exemption only needs to be completed one time for the duration of the child’s enrollment at the school.
If an immunization is not administered because of a parent’s religious beliefs, the parent must submit an exemption request in writing, stating that he or she objects to the vaccination based upon religious beliefs. The immunization waiver request must be completed and submitted to the school at the beginning of every school year. For students arriving after the school year has started, this request/written statement must be submitted at the initial enrollment and at the beginning of every school year.
During a documented outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease (as determined by local DoD medical authorities), a student who is attending a DoDEA school program under an immunization waiver for that vaccine will be excluded from attending. This is for his or her protection and the safety of the other children and staff. The exclusion will remain in place until such time that the DoD Command determines that the outbreak is over and that it is safe for the student to return to school.
Related regulations
High School Graduation
High School Graduation
Graduation Requirements
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This information identifies DoDEA's high school graduation requirements. Students who plan to pursue college athletics should also visit the NCAA Eligibility site to ensure their course taking aligns with NCAA eligibility requirements. The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is now formally recognized as part of DoDEA's secondary education policy. Please consult with the school counselor for further guidance or questions regarding graduation requirements.
DoDEA graduation requirements differ depending on the year a student enters 9th grade. The requirements are identified below on three separate color-coded documents dated to correspond to the year of initial entry into 9th grade. These documents are intended to help students and parents to determine the number of credits and the distribution of credits by subject area required to receive a DoDEA standard diploma or an honors diploma. Please consult with your school counselor for further guidance or questions.
In which year did your student enter the 9th grade for the first time?
School Year 2020-21, Class of 2024 |
School Year 2021-22, Class of 2025 |
School Year 2022-23, Class of 2026 |
School Year 2023-24, Class of 2027 |
School Year 2024-25, Class of 2028 |
Transferring Course Credits to a DoDEA School
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DoDEA accepts the official courses, grades and earned credits of middle school (grades 7–8) and high school (grades 9–12) students who transfer to a DoDEA school from other DoDEA schools or who earn course credits in an accredited non-DoD system (public or private), correspondence, online, and/or home-school program. The accreditation for the sending school or school system must be from one of the six U.S. regional accrediting associations, one of the U.S. state education agencies, or by a public- or state-supported system of accreditation for public or private education programs in a foreign nation, in accordance with Section 4.7, of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1367.01. Please contact your child’s school for questions regarding course credit transfer process and approval.
Report Card and Testing Information
Report Card and Testing Information
Grading Information
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At the beginning of each course or grade level, every DoDEA teacher shall make available information regarding grading policy and course requirements to parents and students. This information will be provided to parents and students by the end of the first month of the school year or by the end of the first month of the semester in the case of a semester course.
If any student demonstrates unsatisfactory progress or achievement, teachers must notify parents with enough time to correct the deficiency. Notification must occur as soon as unsatisfactory achievement is evident, and not later than the midpoint of the nine-week grading period.
Timely and accurate reporting of student progress shall be accomplished for students in grades 4–12, using the approved DoDEA Electronic Gradebook (EGB) System. All assignments (e.g., quizzes, tests, examinations, homework, speeches, etc.) that are used to assess and report student progress shall be promptly evaluated and/or graded, posted in the EGB, and returned to the student. The normal period of evaluation and posting should be no longer than ten calendar days from the day the assignment is collected, with reasonable exceptions for large projects. At a minimum, one assignment or grade should be recorded per week in the EGB System. To create an account and access the EGB System, please visit the DoDEA SIS Gradebook for instructions.
Related regulations
Grading System (4-12)
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A traditional letter grading system will be used for grades 4–12 report marks.
Grade | Numerical Range | Description |
A |
90 – 100 |
Excellent: Outstanding level of performance |
B |
80 – 89 |
Good: High level of performance |
C |
70 – 79 |
Average: Acceptable level of performance |
D |
60 – 69 |
Poor: Minimal level of performance |
F (failing) |
0 – 59 |
Failing (No credit awarded) |
For purposes of calculating a student’s high school GPA, the following scales shall be used:
Unweighted Standard Scale | Weighted Advanced Placement (with AP exam) |
4.0 |
5.0 |
3.0 |
4.0 |
2.0 |
3.0 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
0 |
Related regulations
Progress Reports/Report Cards
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In accordance with the policies and procedures in DoDEA Regulation 1377.01, “Student Progress Reports,” September 4, 2018, it is DoDEA policy to issue a progress report every 9 weeks for any student present or enrolled for at least 20 instructional days or more in a marking period. Any written comments by teachers on progress reports should be stated objectively. The comments should be based on evidence about the student and should not represent opinions that cannot be supported by evidence
Achievement codes will be given at the end of the second, third and fourth marking periods for students in grades K–1. Grades will be given at the end of each of the four marking periods for students in grades 2–12. Achievement codes or grades on report cards will be determined by the degree to which students are achieving established program objectives or standards. For students in grades K–12, unsatisfactory achievement of program objectives or standards will be reported to parents during each marking period as soon as evident, but no later than the midpoint of the nine-week grading period to allow sufficient time for a student to correct the problem.
Related regulations
Parent-Teacher Conferences
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All DoDEA schools should encourage parents to meet with their child’s teacher for parent-teacher conferences. Parent-Teacher Conferences allow parents the opportunity to ask questions about their child’s classes or progress in school. Parent-teacher conferences are also a great way to discuss how parents and teachers can work together to help students perform at their best in school. Parents/sponsors who plan to attend a parent-teacher conference scheduled by the teacher or school should inquire on the amount of time allowed before attending. If more time is required or the parent/sponsor wants to meet with the teacher again, the parent/sponsor should notify the teacher at the end of the conference. Please contact your child’s school for details regarding scheduling of parent-teacher conferences. DoDEA encourages all communication to take place through official school email accounts.
Related regulations
System-wide Assessment Program
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All DoDEA students in grades or programs identified for system-wide assessments shall be included in the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System (DoDEA-CAS), in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 1301.01, “Comprehensive Assessment System,” October 4, 2018. Students who have been identified as having disabilities or are ELLs shall participate using either the standard DoDEA assessments, with or without reasonable and appropriate accommodations, or through the use of the appropriate DoDEA alternate assessment, as per their Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plan, or English Learner Plan. All assessments selected for use within DoDEA shall:
- Align to clearly defined standards and objectives within the content domain being tested
- Be valid and reliable and controlled for bias
- Be one of several criteria used for making major decisions about student performance/achievement.
The results of each assessment shall be used as one component of the DoDEA-CAS for major decisions concerning a student’s future learning activities within the classroom setting.
For more information about the DoDEA-CAS, including the testing administration matrix, test descriptions, and testing calendar, please refer to: dodea.edu/assessments.
Related regulations
Special Education
Special Education
Special Education Services
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The purpose of special education is to enable students to successfully develop to their fullest potential by providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).Special education is specially designed instruction, support and services provided to students with an identified disability who require an instructional program that meets their unique learning needs. The purpose of special education is to enable these students to successfully develop to their fullest potential by providing FAPE in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as implemented by DoD Manual (DoDM) 1342.12, “Implementation of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible DoD Dependents,” June 17, 2015.
In DoDEA, special education and related services are available to eligible students, ages 3 through 21 years of age. To be eligible for special education:
- The child must have an identified disability;
- The disability must adversely (negatively) affect the child's educational performance; and
- The child must require a specially designed instructional program.
If found eligible for special education and related services, DoDEA students are provided FAPE in accordance with an IEP, with services delivered in the least restrictive environment and with procedural safeguards, in accordance with the requirements of DoDM 1342.12.
Please contact your child’s school to discuss your concerns if you suspect your child may have a disability and be in need of special education services. The Case Study Committee chairperson will provide you with specific details relating to the evaluation process and can explain eligibility requirements further.
Disability Accommodations and Nondiscrimination
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Apart from special education, a student with a disability, or who has a record of a disability, or is regarded as having a disability, shall not be excluded from participating in, or be denied the benefits of, any DoDEA education program or activity or be subjected to discrimination based solely on a disability. In accordance with DoDEA Administrative instruction 2500.14, “Nondiscrimination and 504 Accommodation on the Basis of Disability in DoDEA Conducted Education Programs and Activities,” April 29, 2009, as amended, students with disabilities shall be provided a FAPE and shall participate with students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate to ensure equal access to educational opportunities. This means that a student with a disability that does not require specialized instruction may be eligible for accommodations to ensure participation in school programs and activities. Please contact your child’s school for specific details.
Related regulations
Reporting Abuse Neglect Suicide Risk and Threats
Reporting Abuse Neglect Suicide Risk and Threats
Child Abuse and Neglect
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In accordance with the policy in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1356.01, “Family Advocacy Program Process for Reporting Incidents of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect,” November 5, 2018, all DoDEA personnel will participate in the identification and reporting of incidents of child abuse and neglect. School personnel shall report all suspected or alleged child abuse to the local Family and Advocacy Program (FAP) office, child welfare service agency (if available) and their immediate supervisor within 24 hours. All employees shall cooperate with the FAP process. The DoD FAP provides for the identification, treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect.
Suicide Risk and Threats Towards Others
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In order to prevent violence, suicide and other harmful acts among children and adults in schools, the need for reliable ways to identify persons who may require assistance is a critical step. All DoDEA employees must notify the DoDEA school administrator when a DoDEA student has made any statement or engaged in actions that may indicate threat of harm towards self or others.
Related regulations
Suicide Risk
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Any indication of student suicidality must be immediately reported to the DoDEA school administrator. The DoDEA student who exhibits suicidal ideation or behavior, or who makes a statement or engages in actions that may indicate self-harm or suicidal thoughts, shall be immediately assessed to obtain specific information to determine the risk level. The results of that assessment shall be communicated to the DoDEA school administrator and documented. Regardless of the level of risk reported, in all cases, a DoDEA school administrator or designated member of the Case Management Team must directly notify parents or legal guardians of the concern. For additional assistance in this process, please contact the district school psychology instructional systems specialist.
If a parent or legal guardian disagrees with school recommendations for evaluation of a student’s dangerousness to self, or refuses to take parental or legal guardian responsibility for the safety of their child, the DoDEA school administrator must inform the parent or legal guardian that DoDEA policy requires that school personnel protect the safety and health of the students. Parent or legal guardian refusal to address identified medical needs may necessitate a report to the local FAP office and local Child Protective services if neglect is suspected, as outlined in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1356.01.
Threats Towards Others
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When a DoDEA student makes an explicit or implicit threat, or if the student’s behavior indicates that a threat is serious and reasonably likely to be acted upon, the DoDEA school administrator shall take action based on the level of the threat. Certain types of serious threats require immediate notification to local law enforcement entities without regard to the level of threat yielded. The DoDEA school administrator shall immediately report the following student behaviors to the local law enforcement entity:
- A threat that involves stalking of any person on a school bus, on school property or at a school-sponsored activity;
- Threats to bomb, burn, kill, or harm school personnel; and
- Threats of death or bodily injury to a person or members of his or her family or threats to commit serious bodily harm to persons on school property.
The DoDEA school administrator shall also immediately report any act that may constitute a criminal offense to the parents or legal guardians of minor students involved in the act and shall report that the incident has been reported to local law enforcement, as required by Federal, state, or local law. The DoDEA school administrator may report other threats to the local law enforcement entity, as necessary and appropriate. The DoDEA school administrator shall inform the parents or legal guardians that they may contact local law enforcement for further information, as necessary and appropriate.
Related regulations
School Counseling Services
School Counseling Services
School Counseling Services
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DoDEA school counselors provide comprehensive counseling programs to all students in grades K–12, in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2946.1, “School Counseling Services,” July 13, 2009, and DoDEA Manual 2946.2, “Department of Defense Education Activity School Counseling Services,” January 1, 2006. Counseling programs are designed to foster a foundation for lifelong learning by removing barriers to students’ academic success. Early identification and intervention of students’ academics needs is essential in removing barriers to learning and promoting academic growth. School counselors provide direct and indirect student services and curricular activities to increase the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for students to achieve their potential academically and physically for life, college, and career readiness.
Elementary school counseling programs are crucial in supporting students’ attitudes and personal views toward school, self, and peers groups. In elementary grades, school counseling programs support and provide education on prevention and intervention services, promoting positive academic skills and career awareness — skills students need to be competent and confident learners.
Secondary school counseling programs are designed to meet the rapidly changing needs of students in grades 6–12, while preparing them for high school and beyond. College and career exploration and planning are emphasized at the secondary level. As middle school students learn to manage more independence and responsibilities, school counseling programs are designed to connect learning to practical application in life and work, and foster effective learning/study skills.
High school counseling programs are designed to foster student preparation and readiness for successful college and career pathways after high school. All secondary students create and manage a four- to six-year plan with their counselor. The four- to six-year plan is managed in SchooLinks and is designed to teach students how to create and attain their graduation, college, and career goals, while taking into account their interests, aptitudes, and graduation requirements.
Please contact your school counselor for additional information regarding the school counseling program.
Related regulations
School Psychology Services
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DoDEA school psychologists provide a range of services designed to support students’ learning, growth, and development. They are experts in student mental health and learning/behavior, and they partner with various stakeholders throughout the school and community to support students’ academic and emotional needs. School psychology programs are designed to foster safe, healthy and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between the school, home, and community. School psychologists aim to improve academic achievement, promote positive behaviors and safe school climates, and strengthen school-family partnerships. Core functions of school psychologists include mental health interventions, behavior management, crisis intervention and response, assessment, and consultation and collaboration.
Please contact your school psychologist for additional information regarding the DoDEA School Psychology Program.
Related regulations
School Health Services
School Health Services
School Health Services
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DoDEA School Health Services aims to optimize learning by fostering student wellness. The school nurse serves as the health service expert, providing health care to students/staff and implementing interventions that address both actual and potential health and safety conditions. The school nurse collaborates with the school administrator to promote the health and academic success of students and serves as the liaison between the school, community, and health care systems. This collaborative effort creates opportunities to build capacity for students' self-care, resilience, and learning.
The school nurse's responsibilities include:
- Providing leadership in promoting personal and environmental health and safety by managing communicable diseases, monitoring immunizations, and providing consultation and health-related education to students and staff to promote school health and academic success;
- Providing quality health care and intervening with actual and potential health problems through health screenings, health assessments, and nursing interventions, including the development of health care and emergency care plans to enable students to safely and fully participate in school;
- Providing case management services to direct care for students with chronic health conditions in order to ensure their safety and increase their access to the educational program; and
- Collaborating with school and community-based resources to reduce health-related barriers to student learning, improve access to health care and develop school-community partnerships to support academic achievement and student success.
Related regulations
Parent Notification
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As a general rule, the parent or sponsor will be notified by the school administrator or school nurse if a child has:
- Any illness or injury that causes concern or inability to participate in school activities;
- Eye, ear, or teeth injuries;
- Head injury;
- Second- or third-degree burns;
- Severe pain;
- Sprains or possible fractures;
- Temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit;
- Vomiting or diarrhea; and
- Wounds that may require stitches.
Related regulations
Student Illness
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Do not send your child to school if he or she is ill. Staying home to get the proper rest, nutrition, and parental care is for your child's benefit as well as for the benefit of the other children in the school who may be unnecessarily exposed to a contagious illness. The following are examples of when a student should remain home:
- A temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The student must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours (a complete school day) before returning to school.
- Actively vomiting or has diarrhea.
- An illness which presents with contagious symptoms.
- Other symptoms interfering with learning or participation, such as abdominal pain; ear ache; itchy, painful eyes; light-sensitivity; or profuse exudate from the eyes necessitating frequent wiping.
- Severe uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, rapid or difficult breathing, and coughing lasting longer than five to seven days.
- Episodes of vomiting in the past 24 hours. A student must remain home until vomiting resolves (no further vomiting for 24 hours).
- Frequent, loose or watery stools compared to the student's normal pattern; not caused by diet or medication. A student must remain home if a) he/she looks or acts ill; b) he/she has diarrhea with temperature elevation of 100°F or greater; and c) he/she has diarrhea and vomiting.
- Blister-like lesions (impetigo, including streptococci, staphylococcus, and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infections) that develop into pustules with weeping and crusting. A student must be medically evaluated, remain home for at least 24 hours after initiation of medical treatment and remain home until determined not infectious by a medical provider. Lesions must be covered for school attendance.
- Ringworm lesions must be covered for school attendance.
- Thick discharge from eye, necessitating frequent wiping and may be accompanied by pain, redness to the white part of the eye and light sensitivity. Student must remain at home until symptoms clear or completion of 24 hours of medical provider-prescribed ophthalmic treatment.
- Measles, mumps, rubella, (German measles), chicken pox, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza. A student must remain home until determined to be not infectious by a medical care provider.
If your child becomes ill during the school day, the school nurse will contact you to pick up your child. To return to school, your child must be without symptoms for 24 hours and fever-free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours.
Related regulations
Medication at School
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When medication must be administered during the school day, it must be delivered to the school nurse in the original container and properly labeled by the pharmacy or primary care manager/provider, stating the name of the student, the medication, dosage, route, time of administration, and current date of issue. Contact the school nurse for the required Medication Consent Form. This form must be filled out and signed by the prescribing state licensed medical provider and also signed by the sponsor/parent/guardian. The sponsor/parent/guardian needs to bring the signed form and the medication to the school nurse. If the school nurse is not present, the signed form and medication must be presented to the school principal, acting principal, or health aide for safekeeping. It is acceptable for parents to bring in self-purchased over-the-counter medication to be kept in the health office for their child's use at school, but the medication must be accompanied by a physician's prescription and signed parental consent form.
In some rare situations, students are allowed to keep their rescue or emergency medicine with them while in school or at school-related activities. The prescribing primary care manager must provide a written statement that the student must be in control of his or her medication due to a life-threatening medical condition. The parent must provide written consent for the medication to stay with the student. See the school nurse to obtain the appropriate form for medications to be administered during school hours or for a student to self-carry emergency medication.
Supplement A - DoDEA Form 6000.01: Medication During School Day and School-Sponsored Activities
Supplement D - DoDEA Form 6000.01: Student Retention of Medication
Related regulations
Allergies and Chronic-Acute Conditions
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Please inform the school nurse of any medical condition and health concerns your child may have to better serve and protect your child's welfare in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, "First Aid and Emergency Care," September 8, 2003.
Food allergies (including peanut/nut allergies) are a significant health concern within the school environment. Allergic reactions can range from mild symptoms to life-threatening reactions. Ensuring a safe environment for all students and visitors is a primary focus for the school administration and staff. In an attempt to raise awareness and limit unnecessary exposure during school hours, the following steps have been implemented to address food allergies:
- Notify the school nurse of ANY allergy to food, drug, insects, etc., that your child may have;
- Provide the school nurse with medication/doctor's orders/emergency care plan/parent permission form;
- Teach children at home about their food allergies and the importance of not sharing any food with others in school or elsewhere; and
- Notify the classroom teacher about your child's allergens and check with the classroom teacher prior to bringing in any food for classroom celebrations.
Related regulations
First Aid and Emergency Care
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School personnel will administer first aid as efficiently as possible to the dependent student when needed to treat minor injury or illness, in accordance with the DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, "First Aid and Emergency Care," September 8, 2003. In accordance with Section 6 of DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, should a student sustain a more serious illness or injury, the school nurse will make a judgment call based on nursing assessment to determine if the student needs emergency medical care requiring a response by an emergency medical team (EMT) and possible transportation for treatment at a health care facility. If a student needs emergency medical care requiring an ambulance, the school will make reasonable efforts to contact the sponsor/parent/guardian or emergency contact. In the absence of a parent, a school administrator or designee may accompany the student to the medical treatment facility.
The EMT, health care facility, or attending health care provider(s) may be non-U.S. or non-military facilities or providers, especially if the dependent student is located overseas. Treatment decisions will be made exclusively by the health care provider(s) if the nature of the dependent student's injury or illness requires immediate health care, in accordance with their standard operating procedures regarding the delivery of emergency care for the dependent student.
It is very important for the school to have a current address, home phone number, mobile phone numbers, duty phone number, and the phone number of another adult to act as emergency contact in case parents cannot be contacted.
Contact your school nurse for additional information regarding the DoDEA School Health Services Program.
Related regulations
School Meals Program
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The DoDEA School Meals Program (SMP) supports academic achievement by providing nutritious meals to your students through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.
- The School Meals Program is a budget friendly and convenient program for parents that can save time, energy, money and reduce stress.
- Households must reapply every school year for free and reduced-price meals, beginning no earlier than July 1st.
- All meals must be paid for in advance or at the point of sale.
- A best practice is to fund your child’s account every pay day through the next pay day.
Related regulations
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights and Responsibilities
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Students are expected to actively participate in the educational process, including school-sponsored activities in and outside of the classroom, as deemed appropriate. Students should bring to the attention of a school employee behavior or activities that may endanger the safety and well-being of themselves or others.
Students shall:
- Comply with policies, procedures and standards for student behavior;
- Refrain from conduct or behavior that is disruptive;
- Respect the rights and human dignity of other students and all school employees;
- Attend school and classes regularly, and punctually and make a conscious effort in all classes;
- Participate in and take advantage of educational opportunities provided by DoDEA schools;
- Assist school employees in operating a safe school by abiding by the laws of the United States, the local military installation, the host nation, and DoDEA policies, regulations, and procedures;
- Properly maintain school property and use school property and equipment for educationally authorized purposes;
- Promptly bring to the attention of a DoDEA school employee behavior or activities that may endanger the safety and well-being of themselves or others and to cooperate with school threat assessment procedures; and
- Promptly report to the DoDEA School Principal, or another DoDEA school employee, incidents or complaints, including, but not limited to, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or non-sexual harassment, based on race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or status as a sponsor, parent or legal guardian; intimidation, hazing, bullying (including cyberbullying), or retaliation against persons who report or participate in the investigation of such incidents herein.
Related regulations
Discrimination-Free Education Programs and Activities
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No DoDEA student shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be subjected to, or be permitted to subject others to discrimination in any DoDEA-conducted education and training programs and activities on the basis of their race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or status as a parent, which is commonly known as their protected class, in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.01, Volume 1, “Civil Rights Program and Compliance,” November 16, 2022.
Although DoDEA cannot guarantee every student a learning and activities environment free from annoyances, petty slights, or minor offenses, DoDEA is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free from unlawful discrimination and will not tolerate incidents of discriminatory unequal treatment, hostile environments (including those created by sexual assault and sexual harassment [discussed in greater detail below under “Student Conduct and Discipline”]), or impermissible disparate impact based on a student’s protected class, or retaliation against anyone because they have made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation related to an allegation of discrimination.
Related regulations
Scholastic Integrity
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Students are responsible for their own scholastic integrity. Any suspicion or evidence of forging, cheating, or plagiarizing the work of others may result in a school discipline, to include exclusion in accordance with DoDEA AI 1347.01, Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.
Related regulations
Freedom of Religious Expression
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According to Section 3.6 of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01, “Student Rights and Responsibilities,” April 6, 2021, students may observe religious practice in school, such as celebration of religious holidays, engaging in private prayer, saying grace before meals, and wearing yarmulkes and head scarves, as long as the practice does not violate student standards or cause substantial disruption. Students may engage in independent religious discussion to the same degree that they may engage in other types of permissible speech. The freedom to engage in religious expression in school does not include the right to compel other students to participate in religious practices or discussion. Students may express their beliefs about religion in the form of homework, artwork, presentations, and other written and oral assignments, free from discrimination by school faculty or other students based on the religious content of their submissions. Such assignments and submissions shall be assessed by curricular standards or other relevant instructional criteria in accordance with Section 4 of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01.
Related regulations
Interscholastic Athletics
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In accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.01, Volume 1, “Executive Order 13160 Administration: Compliance Requirements and Appeals,” February 22, 2019, all high school students, and middle school students in some cases, are provided the opportunity to participate in the Interscholastic Athletic Program without unlawful discrimination based on their race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, status as a parent, or other factors unrelated to that participation. There are uniform eligibility policies for participants in all athletic programs. Please refer to your regional Interscholastic Athletics Program policy for details relating to your school. For DoDEA-Americas schools, please consult your state of residence athletic policies and the school athletic director for specifics regarding state regulations and requirements.
Related regulations
DoDEA School Dress Code
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Students MUST wear:
- Tops with sleeves (sleeveless tops/dresses are permitted for school sponsored formal events such as prom)
- Solid clothing (not transparent or translucent) that fully covers the top and bottom from armpit to mid-thigh
- Shoes (shoes must be safe for the school environment)
- Bedroom slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal
- Open toe shoes with a strap across the heel are allowed
Students CANNOT wear clothing with:
- Language or images promoting violence
- Language or images that depict, promote, or advocate the illegal use or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products; violent conduct; curse words; pornography; that contain threats or expressions which are violent, discriminatory, lewd or obscene; or that advocate or promote any other illegal item or activity or the use of same
- Derogatory speech/imagery targeting groups based on race/color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law
- Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health purpose); clothing items with hoods attached can be worn but must not cover the head
* Teachers/courses can require certain attire as part of the curriculum (for example: physical education, culinary) that may include specific dress
* DoDEA issued athletic uniforms and athletic practice attire outside of the DoDEA school dress code is permitted when worn by participants during athletic practices and sports events
Related regulations
School Security
School Security
Search and Seizure
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General, non-individualized searches of school property (e.g., desks, lockers, storage spaces, and school computers, including data and internet access records), may be conducted by the principal on a periodic or random basis. The school affords students and parents adequate prior notice of its general search policy through the issuance referenced above and this handbook. The search shall be conducted by the principal in the presence of another school employee who will serve as a witness. General searches of school spaces and property may be conducted in cooperation with the appropriate installation authorities or military police, including dogs trained to detect the presence of contraband. Evidence found during a general search, or a dog sniff, that alerts authorities to potential contraband may provide reasonable suspicion sufficient to conduct an individualized search.
Individualized, reasonable suspicion or targeted searches may be conducted by a principal of a student’s personal belongings (including bags, personalized electronic mobile devices (PEMD) and the interior of student vehicles on school property) and in a student’s desk, locker, storage space, school computer, or other property of the school when there is reasonable suspicion to believe the student possesses a prohibited item. Targeted searches may be conducted whenever the student is involved in a school-sponsored or school-supervised activity or event so long as there is reasonable suspicion to conduct the search.
A targeted search of a student’s person shall only be conducted under exigent circumstances. When possible, a targeted search of the student’s person shall be conducted in a private room, or non-public area, and by a school official of the same sex as the student. Reasonable efforts to locate the student and to notify the parent shall be made prior to a targeted search or as soon as is practicable under the circumstances.
Related regulations
Standard Response Protocols
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DoDEA has implemented action-based standard response protocols (i.e., hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate, and shelter) that can be performed during any emergency incident.
Hold Used when there is a need to remain in a classroom or area, even during class transitioning. Can be used for such events as a medical emergency, unruly students in the hallway, or whenever an incident requires all students and staff to remain in their current positions.
- Students will clear the hallways and remain in a room or area until the “All Clear” is announced.
- Teachers will close and lock the doors to rooms or areas (if possible).
- Teachers will account for students and adults.
- Classroom activities will continue uninterrupted.
Secure (lockout) Directed when there is a threat or hazard outside the school. Whether it is due to violence or criminal activity or a dangerous animal on the playground, a lockout uses the security of the physical facility as a protective measure.
- No students allowed outside of buildings and/or portable classrooms (no P.E., recess, etc.).
- All building exterior doors are closed and locked.
- Where possible, classroom activities will continue uninterrupted. place.
Lockdown Directed when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building. From serious altercations to intruders to active shooter situations, lockdown uses classroom security to protect students and staff from the threat.
- All students stay in place with a teacher or staff member.
- Students and teachers remain in locked classrooms, locating “safe zones” within each classroom.
- No one enters or exits the school, except law enforcement or incident response personnel.
Evacuation Implemented when there is a need to move students from one facility to another.
- Officials conducting or supervising evacuation will vary based on the school and incident taking place.
- Students will proceed to designated evacuation area. If separated from their class, students should join any evacuation line and identify themselves to the teacher in their group after arriving at the evacuation site.
Shelter Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary. This may include events such as a tornado, earthquake or hazardous material spill.
- Shelter strategies may include evacuate to a shelter area, seal the room or drop and cover.
Schools will identify potential shelter situations and designate specific responses, as appropriate.
The Standard Response Protocols are incorporated into the school’s Emergency Action Plan. For more information on the Standard Response Protocols and how they apply within DoDEA, refer to DoDEA Administrative Instruction 5205.02, Volume 6, “DoDEA Force Protection Program: Standard Response Protocols,” 27 June 2023.-
Student Conduct and Discipline
Student Conduct and Discipline
Student Rights and Responsibilities
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DODEA students have the Right to a discrimination-free learning environment in which no individual, on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or status as a parent, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination in a DoDEA-conducted or -sponsored education or training program or activity, pursuant to Executive Order 13160, DoD and DoDEA policy, and Federal law.
Students shall treat teachers, administrators, and other school staff as expected within the code of conduct, to include courtesy, fairness, and respect; and teachers, administrators, and other school staff shall treat students as expected within the code of conduct in this Issuance, to include courtesy, fairness, and respect.
Related regulations
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Management of student behavior is a responsibility shared by students, sponsors/parents/guardians, teachers, and the military command and school communities in general, in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01, “Student Rights and Responsibilities,” April 6, 2021. Student behavioral management consists of teaching and reinforcing positive student attitudes and behaviors. Students shall treat teachers, administrators, and other school staff with courtesy, fairness, and respect; and teachers, administrators, and other school staff shall treat students with courtesy, fairness, and respect. All students will be disciplined in a fair and appropriate manner. School administrators shall operate and maintain a safe school environment that is conducive to learning. School administration will ensure prompt investigation and response to incidents or complaints involving students made by students, parents, teachers, or DoDEA staff members.
In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1347.01, “Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures,” April 7, 2021, discipline shall be progressively and fairly administered. Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, verbal reprimands, conferences, detention, time-out, alternative in-school placements, school service programs, community service and counseling programs. Other behavior management techniques will be considered prior to resorting to more formal disciplinary actions that remove a student from school for a suspension (short or long term). Long-term suspension or expulsion following a first offense may be considered when a student poses an immediate threat to his or her safety or the safety of others (e.g., offenses involving firearms or other weapons, fighting or violence, or the possession, use, or sale of drugs). Additional rules and procedures can be reviewed in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1347.01.
Prohibited Sexual, Sex-Based, and Other Related Abusive Misconduct
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DoDEA does not allow any form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, problematic sexual behavior in children and youth (PSB-CY) and other related abusive misconduct of, or by, employees, students, or anyone participating in DoDEA-conducted/sponsored education, training programs, and activities, committed both on and off DoDEA premises.
All DoDEA students are responsible for not committing acts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, PSB-CY, and other related abusive misconduct, in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, “Prohibited Sexual, Sex-Based, and Other Related Abusive Misconduct Reporting and Response,” February 21, 2019 (DoDEA AI 1443.02, and for cooperating with any investigations and resolution of complaints made in accordance with this Issuance. Students who violate this policy are subject to discipline in accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction, “Student Disciplinary Rules and Procedures,” April 7, 2021.
The right to be free from other related abusive misconduct includes physical and/or emotional misconduct that does not qualify as sexual assault or sexual harassment, but that is still intended to make a student feel pressured, uncomfortable, physically threatened, in pain, embarrassed, or offended. It also includes the right to be free from an adult, or another student, trying to exploit their position of authority or influence over a student to force or manipulate them into an inappropriate personal and/or sexual relationship, even if the student does not think it is harmful. DoDEA does not recognize sexual or romantic interactions between any student and a DoDEA employee or volunteer to ever be consensual, even if the student is of the lawful age of consent.
Students who are experiencing sexual assault, sexual harassment, PSB-CY, or other related abusive misconduct should report it, in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, “Prohibited Sexual, Sex-Based, and Other Related Abusive Misconduct Reporting and Response,” February 21, 2019.
It is extremely important that a student not suffer in silence or be allowed to be exploited or manipulated into an inappropriate relationship. If such is happening to a student personally, or to someone they know, the student should let an adult know about it right away. The student may tell someone he/she feels comfortable with and trusts, such as their parent, teacher, nurse, or coach, or go directly to the school principal or program director, at any time. When a DoDEA employee or volunteer becomes aware of a violation of this DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.02, they are required to report it to their school principal or program director, with the possible exception of certain disclosures made during confidential communications not otherwise subject to mandatory reporting requirements in accordance with Issuance.
Students may visit DoDEA’s Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention to learn more.
Bully Prevention
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In the wake of school violence throughout the world, it is important to analyze the causes of violence and implement preventive measures to assure that every student and adult will feel secure in the school environment. DoDEA implemented a system-wide Bully Prevention program as a part of the Safe Schools and Character Education program.
Bullying is defined as a means to have power over another and it takes many forms: physical, verbal, and indirect such as gossip and isolation. Bullying leaves long-lasting scars for its victims. Bullies have a higher incidence of antisocial behavior, domestic violence and crime as adults. Society pays a heavy toll for tolerating bullying behavior and bullies.
In DoDEA schools and community, bullying will not go unchallenged and will not be tolerated. All students, staff members, parents and the community play vital roles to ensure our children are not bullied, do not act as bullies, and will not allow others to bully. Our schools have a moral obligation to provide our students and the school community with the proper information, prevention strategies, and defenses to create a safe, accepting and caring environment for all.
Related regulations
Role of Social Media
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Use of personal social media between parents/teachers/students is discouraged. The only acceptable form of social media communication between parents/teachers/students is through official school social media.
Related regulations
Computer Access/Internet Policy/Electronic Devices
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Each student, together with the student’s parent or guardian (if applicable), shall acknowledge and sign Form 700, “Use of DoDEA Internet and Use of Information Technology Resources,” before he or she is assigned a user account. In accordance with Enclosure 4 of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 6600.01, “Computer Access and Internet Policy,” February 16, 2010, the following are required of all students:
- Students shall use DoDEA information technology (IT) resources, including computers, electronic mail, and internet access, only in support of education and for research consistent with the educational objectives of DoDEA;
- Students shall respect and adhere to all of the rules governing access to, and use of, DoDEA’s IT resources;
- Students shall be polite in all electronic communication;
- Students shall use courteous and respectful language and/or images in their messages to others;
- Students shall not swear, use vulgarities, or use harsh, abusive, sexual, or disrespectful language and/or images;
- Students who misuse DoDEA IT resources are subject to disciplinary measures; and
- Students’ accounts will be deactivated upon transition out of a DoDEA school.
The signed agreement (Form 700) is to be retained in the administrative office at the student’s school for the duration of the student’s enrollment. A copy will be provided to the student and, if applicable, the student’s parent or guardian.
Related regulations
Student Transportation
Student Transportation
Student Transportation Services
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Student transportation is defined as the transportation of students from their assigned bus stop to school at the beginning of their school day, during the mid-day and for return to their assigned bus stop at the end of the normal scheduled school day. DoDEA principals are responsible for monitoring student loading/unloading zones when students are coming and going from school sites, including administering discipline. A school bus or any device operating to provide student transportation will function as an extension of the school. The walking distance for students in grade 6 and below should not exceed one mile from the student’s primary residence to the school or designated bus stop. Students in grades 7–12 may walk up to 1.5 miles from their primary residence to the school or designated bus stop. These distances may be slightly expanded or contracted to conform to natural boundaries such as housing areas or neighborhoods. In locations having middle schools, which include grade 6 (i.e., grades 6–8), the walking distance criteria shall be the same as the criteria for grades 7–12.
Transportation is not authorized to take students to their homes or to eating facilities for their mid-day meal. No other transportation between the assigned bus stop and the school will be charged to commuting transportation unless stated in a special education student’s IEP and/or required by Section 504 guidelines. “Curb-to-curb” only applies to students with disabilities who require such service as documented in the student’s IEP. DoDEA District Superintendents, in coordination with the District Logistics Chief and the supporting military installation commanders, will establish a commuting area to determine eligibility for transportation of dependent students.
Related regulations
School Bus Behavior & Discipline
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Per DoDEA AI 1347.01 and 4500.02:
Riding school buses is a PRIVILEGE that may be suspended or revoked if a student does not behave in a safe and proper manner. The time students spend going to and from school is an extension of their school day. School buses are an extension of the school campus. As such, principals are equally as responsible for discipline on school buses as they are on school campuses. Principals may take disciplinary action for school bus misconduct consistent with Attachment 2 or may process them in accordance with procedures available for other school discipline. Nothing in this handbook precludes the principal from exercising appropriate discipline, including suspending the student from school or from school related activities, for misconduct on school buses.
All students are expected to adhere to the bus rider rules outlined on the Student Transportation page.
School Procedures
School Procedures
Student Discipline
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Management of DoDEA student behavior is a responsibility shared by DoDEA students, sponsors/parents/legal guardians, teachers, and the military and school communities and consists of teaching and reinforcing positive DoDEA student attitudes and behaviors. Discipline should be progressively, equitably and fairly administered, is sequential and preplanned, and normally occurs in a hierarchy of consequences for repeated offenses of the same behavior.
Related regulations
Academic Eligibility Policy
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A student athlete must have a minimum 2.0 GPA for the previous semester prior to the start of the season and have no more than one "F" in order to be eligible for a sports team. If a student is ineligible by the previous semester standard, see section B below.
A. All student athletes eligible at the start of the season will be monitored on a weekly basis for D's and F's throughout the season.
- Any athlete that earns more than one failing grade in the classes in which they are enrolled is ineligible to participate in all scrimmages, competitions, be in school uniform at a scheduled event, or travel with the team/club to any away event. The ineligible period commences on Wednesday at 0800 hours through the following Wednesday at 0800 hours.
- Grades during the period of monitoring will be cumulative from the beginning of the quarter
- An athlete can regain his/her eligibility on a weekly basis.
- An athlete who has been identified as ineligible for three consecutive weeks will be dropped from the team.
B. If an athlete does not meet the GPA/1 "F" requirement then the athlete must adhere to the following.
- The athlete is ineligible for the first three weeks of the season and will continue to have his/her GPA checked every three weeks through the end of the season. These three-week checks must be done every three weeks even though the athlete may meet the GPA requirement at the end of the first or second three-week period.
- Athletes unable to maintain eligibility after reinstatement will become ineligible for the remainder of the semester.
- Athletes may still practice during the ineligible three-week period, but participation in all scrimmages and scheduled games is prohibited.
- Coaches should encourage tutors and additional study time for these athletes so they may regain and maintain their eligibility through the end of the semester.
C. Official transcripts from previous schools will be used to determine eligibility for transfer students by the same rules outlined above. If an athlete enrolls in school without a transcript or any previous school record.
- The athlete must be monitored on a weekly basis. If the athlete has more than one "F" at the end of the weekly monitoring period, then the athlete is ineligible for that week.
- Because there is no previous semester GPA available to determine if the GPA requirement has been met (for students in grades 10-12), this athlete must also meet the three-week GPA check. If this athlete has a 2.0 or higher GPA and no more than one failing grade at the three-week check, the athlete will be eligible for the next three-week period, but must pass weekly checks from then on. If no official transcript is available by the 6th week of the season, another three-week check must be done. If the GPA requirement is not met, the athlete will be ineligible for the next three weeks.
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All Department of Defense Education Activity schools are accredited by Cognia, formerly AdvancED. Alconbury most recently participated in a successful Europe West District Accreditation process during school year 2020-2021.
Related regulations
Address and Telephone Information
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Frequently, during the registration process, local quarter’s addresses, home and/or work email addresses, and home and duty telephone numbers are not known or change. It is essential this data be provided to the school and/or updated at the earliest possible date. Please provide the school with your updated information anytime it changes, the school should be promptly notified. You may send changes to the Main Office or phone the school at DSN 268-4400/01480-84-4400.
Related regulations
Agenda Planners
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Every middle school student is required to have an agenda planner at the beginning of the school year. This “planning calendar” has proved effective in helping students organize and plan work, set personal deadlines for task completion, and track academic achievements. Your teachers will encourage you to record homework assignments and test dates in you planners. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn time management techniques that will help you throughout your lifetime. In addition, the planner may also be used to communicate between the school and home, as well as serving as a method of tracking hall passes.
Binders-Middle School
One of the goals in Middle School is to instruct and assist students with organization skills for academic success. Students should have one binder for use across all classes. The minimum content will include loose leaf paper, dividers/folders for each class, container with writing utensils, and the student’s agenda planner. Some teachers may require additional class specific materials.
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Athletic Code
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The Student Athletic Code for Alconbury is provided as a means of establishing uniformity in requirements for conducting the interscholastic athletic programs. All persons involved in the program must support the regulations of DoDEA- Europe and the Europe West District particularly the DoDEA Europe Interscholastic Athletics Program (IAP) Manual 2740.2
- Requirements for Participation
- Be a student in good standing for the entire week and meet all academic eligibility criteria. (See Academic Eligibility Section).
- Have a current physical examination on record in the school; a signed power of attorney for Medical and Dental Card; AHS player information sheet on file; a signed parent and student Agreement for Student Athletic Code and Student Behavior Expectations, a valid passport, visa or orders, and ID card.
- Area of Student Responsibilities
- All AMHS student athletes, managers, and coaching staff are expected to represent themselves, their teams, and the school positively, both in and out of the sports environment. An athlete must abide by school policies and AHS Athletic Standards/Training Rules. Serious misconduct by the athlete may eliminate further participation for part or all of that sports season with forfeiture of the athletic letter and awards. They must also keep in mind that bringing dishonor to the team impacts the overall success and public perception of the team and Alconbury High School. Good sportsmanship is a primary concern of all AHS athletic representatives. AHS is a member of the National Federation of State High School Associations, who encourages good sportsmanship through a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities that concern others. These ideals of sportsmanship apply equally to all athletic disciplines. All individuals from AHS, regardless of their role in the activities, are expected to be aware of their influence on the behavior of others and model good sportsmanship.
Some examples of acceptable and expected behaviors from our athletes are:
- Applauding the introduction of players, coaches and officials.
- Sharing handshakes between participants and coaches after each contest, regardless of outcome.
- Showing genuine concern for injured players, regardless of team.
- Encouraging others to display only sportsmanlike conduct.
- NEVER to boo, heckle or outwardly criticize officials’ decisions.
- Avoiding disrespectful or antagonizing yells, chants, gestures, or “trash talking”
- Students participating in the AHS Athletic Program agree they will not have in their possession and/or will not use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol during the current season of participation. Student participants found to be involved in the use of these substances will be removed from the team for the remainder of the season with forfeiture of the athletic letter and awards.
- All student athletes must have a current physical and must attend ten practices before competing/practicing interscholastically.
- All team members are required to travel and return on the team bus unless written arrangements have been made and approved by school administration.
- No stereo or radio equipment will be allowed on away trips unless used with personal headphones and with the coach’s permission.
- AHS athletes must demonstrate focus and commitment to their team by attending ALL practices. Knowledge and skill development can occur only through determination and practice. All athletes demonstrate their commitment to the team and themselves by attending ALL contests. Each student athlete’s approach to participation reflects the AHS belief in the “team first, me second” attitude. An athlete should be unselfish in his attitude and actions, encouraging the success of teammates toward the overall success of the team and school.
- Dismissal from one athletic team for rules infractions will eliminate an athlete from all sports for that season.
- Athletes may transfer between teams during a season only if prior to the first competition. Both head coaches must agree to any roster changes and the “ten practice rule” must be used.
- New students may join during a season at the discretion of the coach, but the “ten practice rule” must be used. The coach may waive this rule for new students if they have already been participating in the sport at their previous school.
- The school will issue team uniforms and equipment to the team coach. Each athlete must subsequently sign for individual uniforms and equipment issues. These items are the responsibility of each athlete. Loss or damage to school uniforms and equipment will be assessed and the full value of the item charged. If hand receipts are not cleared or debts paid in full within one week after the season conclusion, the athlete will be ineligible to participate in the next sport season and awards will be withheld. Only authorized uniforms and athletic equipment may be worn for any AHS competition.
- Practice, regulations, training rules and awards are the jurisdiction of the coaches, AD, and subject to approval by the principal. Lettering policies for each sport will be provided by the team coach and approved by the Athletic Director at the beginning of the season. Final authority for awarding any athletic recognition is a specific responsibility of each sport’s head coach.
- It will be the responsibility of the sponsor to provide transportation and/or other associated costs for a student-athlete who does not return to Alconbury with the team bus for reasons of accident, illness, or for reasons of military/civilian restrain t in the case of illegal activities.
- Any athlete or team participating for Alconbury High School is expected to participate in all DoDEA events and practices. Participating in a non-DoDEA event in lieu of a scheduled DoDEA practice or event is not permitted. Any athlete or team who does so forfeits the privilege of continued participation for that season.
- All AMHS student athletes, managers, and coaching staff are expected to represent themselves, their teams, and the school positively, both in and out of the sports environment. An athlete must abide by school policies and AHS Athletic Standards/Training Rules. Serious misconduct by the athlete may eliminate further participation for part or all of that sports season with forfeiture of the athletic letter and awards. They must also keep in mind that bringing dishonor to the team impacts the overall success and public perception of the team and Alconbury High School. Good sportsmanship is a primary concern of all AHS athletic representatives. AHS is a member of the National Federation of State High School Associations, who encourages good sportsmanship through a commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity. In perception and practice, sportsmanship is defined as those qualities that concern others. These ideals of sportsmanship apply equally to all athletic disciplines. All individuals from AHS, regardless of their role in the activities, are expected to be aware of their influence on the behavior of others and model good sportsmanship.
- A student athlete has the right to:
- Compete for a position on a team providing he/she meets all the guidelines.
- Be properly equipped and to be provided coaching.
- Try for a school letter award according to standards recommended by the coach.
- Use the proper chain when addressing a problem/issue, first to the DoDEA Coach or Sponsor, then to the Athletic Director.
If the problem/issue is not resolved by the Coach and the Athletic Director, it will then go to the Assistant Principal. If still not resolved the Principal will make the decision.
Related regulations
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Alconbury Middle High School has a comprehensive interscholastic athletics program which is governed by the DoDEA Europe Interscholastic Athletics Program (IAP) Manual 2740.2 . This program is open to all students in grades 9-12. To participate on an athletic team, a student must meet all criteria established by DoDEA, DoDEA Europe, and Alconbury Middle High School. Sportsmanship and personal fitness are two of the goals of the athletics program. All participants and parents must sign the “Athletic Code” before participants may begin. The Athletic program provides the opportunity for young men and women to participate on an fair basis in the school’s sports program.
AMHS athletic guidelines promote and maintain a proper balance between the athletic and academic programs of the school and high ideals of good school behavior and sportsmanship.
7th and 8th graders are allowed to practice with Cross Country, Tennis, Wrestling, and Track and may be allowed to compete.
All participating students are required to have a current physical examination/parental consent form on file prior to participation in practice or events. Athletic teams train five days a week in addition to the competition schedule. Athletes are expected to meet this time commitment if they are to be members of the AMHS athletic teams.
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The DoDEA Attendance Policy/DoDEA Regulation 2095.01 is the Alconbury Middle High School attendance policy.
Senior Skip Day- Senior skip day is not recognized or permitted by DoDEA or Alconbury Middle High School and will be considered an unexcused absence.
Students who are repeatedly tardy will be subject to appropriate discipline, including detention or Saturday School.
Truancy is skipping school, cutting classes, or leaving class without the permission of the sponsor and school officials. Any student who leaves and/or does not sign out will be considered truant. Truancy is an unexcused absence and will result in appropriate discipline.
Related regulations
Book Bags
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Students are not permitted to have book bags in the classroom. The allotted passing period provides time for students to retrieve necessary learning materials from their lockers. Backpacks/book bags should be kept in the student’s locker throughout the school day.
Books, Calculators and Other Issued Items
All required textbooks are supplied by DoDEA without charge to the students. Classroom teachers or coaches may issue calculators, educational materials, sports uniforms, and sports equipment to students. The student and his/her sponsor are legally responsible for returning books, calculator, or other items in good condition at the end of the course or season. Allowances will be made for normal wear and tear. Writing in textbooks is beyond normal wear and tear. It is expected that students will cover all hardbound books with non-permanent material (e.g. paper, paper bags, etc.) and record their name either inside the book or on the protective cover.
Replacement costs for damaged or lost books, calculators, or other issued items (sports equipment, etc.) will be charged to the student. Students who have lost an item should check with the Main Office or supply clerk for replacement costs and instructions.
Students or parents can obtain a payment form in the school supply office. Payment checks should be made to the US Treasury.
Related regulations
Bus Services
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Daily student bus transportation is a privilege provided for students living off base. Bus service is available to and from school within the school bus commuting area. If your student needs transportation, please contact the School Bus Office (SBO). After enrolling your student for school, sponsors with school-age dependents living off base must personally register their student(s) at the SBO.
For more information please contact the Alconbury SBO at DSN 268-3891/01480-84-3981.
Late Arrival of School Bus at the Pickup Point
Sometimes through breakdown or traffic delays, the buses may arrive late at the pickup point. In most cases, it takes some time to get this information to the SBO. As a general rule, students are advised to remain at the pickup point 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time. A bus WILL run, but it is uncertain how long it will take the delayed bus to reach your stop.
Bus Transportation for School Delays and Cancellations
The 423 ABG/CC determines school delays and cancellations when unsafe road conditions exist, etc. Delays and cancellations are announced through unit recalls and will be posted on the website.
If a two-hour delay has been declared, students riding the school bus will be picked up two hours after the normal designated time for example, if the bus is scheduled to depart the bus stop at 0730, the bus will depart at 0930.
Only Riders with Bus Passes Allowed
For safety and security reasons, only students with a valid bus pass may ride on their own bus. For example, a student that does not ride the daily school bus, spending the night at a friend’s house, wants to ride home on their friend’s bus. This is not allowed; spending the night/going home with a friend is a private matter and transportation arrangements should be made between sponsors.
The school/teachers cannot accept letters from sponsors allowing their student to ride on a bus. Each rider must have a valid school bus pass and only ride on his/her assigned bus.
Seat Belts on School Buses
Our school buses are fully equipped with seat belts and students must comply with British law and DoDEA requirements by wearing their seat belts on the bus.
Please tell your children about this and emphasize that wearing seat belts is for their own safety. Wearing seat belts contributes to good behavior, discipline, and the overall safety on the bus.
Procedures for Lost Child
When your child does not arrive home at their usual time and you are concerned for their safety, you should:
- Contact your spouse or other family members to see if the child is with them.
- We suggest you contact neighbors and known friends of your child.
- If you cannot locate your child, please call the SBO at DSN 268-3891/01480-84-3891 and the school principal at DSN 268- 4400/01480-84-4400.
- If you are unable to contact the SBO or the school principal, please contact the Security Forces Military Police at DSN 268- 2400/01480-84-2400.
The Alconbury SBO will make every effort to locate your child as quickly as possible. You will be updated regularly; your assistance and patience will be greatly appreciated. If you should locate your child before the SBO does, please notify the SBO so they can terminate their efforts.
School Bus Behavior
The time students spend going to and from school is an extension of their school day. School buses are an extension of the school campus. Therefore, violations of school bus rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action.
Bus Schedule
During registration, students must contact the school bus transportation office to be assigned a bus to and from school. All school bus related questions and concerns should be reported directly to the bus office and the school.
Related regulations
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AAFES operates a hot lunch program for all students of Alconbury Middle High School. The cost of the lunch is paid in US currency. There are also a limited number of a la carte items, individually priced, available for those not wanting a hot lunch.
- Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch.
- Sack lunches may be brought from home and eaten in the cafeteria.
- Advance payment of school lunch maybe made at the Base Exchange.
- Reduced price lunches are available for students of families who qualify. Contact the School Liaison, at DSN 268- 3232/01480-84-3232, to determine if your family is eligible for reduced price or free lunches.
- Students are responsible for clearing their own table and placing dishes, utensils, trays, and refuse in the designated places. The school staff monitors students’ behavior in the cafeteria.
- The AMHS staff reports infractions when observed during lunch. Failure to use appropriate mature behavior will result in disciplinary action by the administration.
- Disciplinary action can include, but is not limited to detention, community service, or suspension of cafeteria privileges.
- Students from grades 9-12 may eat off campus.
- Middle School students, 6-8 graders, are required to remain on campus during lunch (they may not leave campus).
- Questions or concerns about the AAFES school lunch program should be directed to the school principal or the UK School Lunch Program Manager at DSN 226-2500/01638-52-5200.
Related regulations
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Cheating and plagiarizing are not acceptable practices at Alconbury Middle High School. Students found engaged in either activity may not receive credit for the examination, project, or homework assignment and will be subject to progressive discipline.
Related regulations
Child Abuse
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DoDEA employees are required by law to report all suspected or alleged cases of child abuse or neglect to the local Family Advocacy Program Officer (FAP).
Related regulations
Child Find
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Child Find is a DoDEA program designed to help our schools and parents identify students with special needs. Students with physical, emotional, communication, and/or learning impairments have a legal right to receive comprehensive and appropriate educational services. Child Find will help identify problems obstructing learning.
Child Find is the process used to identify any condition that would interfere with a child’s ability to learn and any child who could benefit from the services offered by DoDEA or AFSEC staff. It is for children of military and civilians from birth to 21 years of age. The kind of services provided include: Developmental Pediatric Evaluation, Occupational Therapy, Special Education, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Counseling. You can get involved by discussing any concerns regarding your child’s growth and development with your family doctor or pediatrician, contacting the nurse or the special education teacher at our school, or attending community parenting classes. You may also meet with Social Work Services representatives through the AFSEC program. If an evaluation by the AFSEC Staff is needed, your physician or the school staff may make a referral.
Related regulations
Classroom Behavior
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Each teacher has and enforces a classroom discipline plan that has been approved by the administration. Plans are designed to encourage appropriate behavior and to keep parents informed of disciplinary matters. When preventive measures, including parental involvement, have been unsuccessful and inappropriate behavior persists, teachers will refer the student to the administration for appropriate disciplinary action. Serious misconduct in the classroom may result in immediate referral to the administration.
Related regulations
College/University Athletics
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Seniors who aspire to join a sports team at the university or college they will be attending must arrange to send a copy of their SAT scores and a final high school transcript to the NCAA Clearinghouse. Please see the Guidance Counselor for more information.
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Open and frequent communication between the home and the school is one of the most important factors in minimizing concerns and preventing misunderstandings.
- The school encourages communication between students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
- Email is a convenient way to communicate with the teachers, principal, and assistant principal.
- If you have trouble scheduling an appointment with any staff member, please call the counselor’s office at DSN 268- 3221/01480- 84-3221.
Related regulations
Counseling Services
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AMHS is staffed with a school counselors who provide a wide range of services. Students and parents can make appointments to review the student’s school records, to discuss concerns, and/or to schedule teacher conferences.
Students attending DoDEA Schools may have additional needs for psychological and mental health services. Families are characterized by frequent reassignments, extended deployments, demanding work hours, prolonged details to the field, and other unique demands that tax their cohesiveness and well-being. The overarching goal of the psychological services program is to increase student capacity to overcome academic, personal, and social problems that may hinder their attainment of educational success and a satisfying and productive life. The school psychologist provides psychological evaluation and facilitates mental health service delivery in the schools, while simultaneously supporting the learning process, child development, and the understanding of educational systems. School psychologists serve as a vital part of the student support team and work closely with school counselors, nurses, and administrators in the delivery of services to address the educational, emotional, and social needs of students.
ASACS Counselor
The ASACS program is a comprehensive community-based program that provides prevention & education, identification & referral, and assessment & treatment to 12-18-year-old ID card holders in the military community. ASACS enables command and active duty personnel to concentrate on their mission, increase military readiness, strengthen family life, and reduce early returns and costly international and community incidents.
Related regulations
Daily Bulletin
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In an effort to provide a source of current information, a daily bulletin containing student and faculty information is read over the school PA system every morning at 0825 hours. The daily bulletin contains current announcements regarding class schedules, assemblies, activity meetings and policy reminders. Announcements should be sent to the morning announcement email address by 1200 on the day preceding the announcement. Content of proposed announcements are subject to approval from the administration.
Students are reminded that notices in the daily bulletin constitute official notification and must be heeded. A copy of the daily bulletin is posted centrally in the school. Please ensure that all students are aware of their obligations.
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General Guidelines
Dances are open to Alconbury Middle High School students and administration-approved guests.
- Students will not be admitted during the final hour of the dance.
- Students will need to sign in and out of the dance and will not be re-admitted upon exit.
- Students who do not abide by school rules will be asked to leave the dance. Parents will be contacted and asked to take their student home.
- Students and faculty sponsors will ensure that the facility is clean and secure following the conclusion of the dance.
- Students and guests may be denied access to school dances by sponsors and the administration for valid reasons.
Guests must:
- Submit a signed permission slip for admittance.
- Adhere to all school rules during the event.
- Be age-appropriate for the event, defined as current high school or middle school students, depending on the event.
- Guests who are 18 years old or older must be enrolled as current high school students or in an equivalent educational program.
Non AMHS guests must be approved by the administration and activity sponsor at least 3 days prior to the dance. The administration reserves final authority on all guest approvals.
High School Dances
- These dances are open to all AHS students in grades 9-12 with the exception of the Junior-Senior Prom (grades 11-12 only).
- Grade 9-10 students may attend the Prom only as the date of a Junior or Senior.
High school dances will generally take place between 1900-2300.
Middle School Dances
- Middle school dances are open only to grades 6-8.
- Middle school dances will take place between 1505-1715 or 1900-2100.
- Middle school students are not allowed to attend the Homecoming Dance, Cotillion or Prom.
- Middle school students may not attend High school dances. However, throughout the year, some 6-12 grade activities may be held.
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A classroom teacher, a specialist, or an administrator may assign a detention for violation of class or school rules. Detentions may be scheduled prior to school, during lunch, or after school. Detentions may vary in time depending on the offense.
All teachers and support staff have the authority and the responsibility to correct misconduct at any time. Therefore, a teacher might assign detention to a student who is not in any of his/her classes. Teachers must inform parents of assigned detentions either by telephone or email.
For teacher assigned detentions, individual teachers will establish the rules and regulations of their detention. For administrative detentions the students are expected to bring enough work to complete during the allotted detention time. If the student reports to detention and fails to bring an adequate amount of schoolwork, the administrator or adult in charge may assign additional activities to be completed. These may include but are not limited to writing papers, completing assigned readings or assisting projects around the school. Students serving detention will be available to teachers and community members for supervised service projects during detention.
Attendance at assigned detentions has priority over participation in extra-curricular activities.
- Participants in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities will not participate in practices, activities, or athletic contests on dates assigned after school. Students may be barred from competition and team/club travel if outstanding detentions have accumulated.
- After school employment is not an acceptable excuse for failing to serve detention.
- Students who feel they have been assigned a detention unfairly should discuss the concern with the teacher or the individual who assigned the detention.
- A student who continues to feel unfairly treated should discuss the detention with the administration. Generally, a conference involving the student, teacher, and parent will be held to resolve the situation.
Related regulations
DoDEA Student-Athlete Behavior Expectations
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These expectations are designed to make student participation in DoDEA-Europe student activities positive. Alconbury Students are expected to meet DoDEA student behavior expectations and those expectations outlined in the Alconbury Athletic Code from the time of departure to the time of return from the activity.
- Students are expected to observe all activity rules and guidelines to include those of the activity facility (i.e. hotel/conference hall rules).
- Students are not to move facility furniture unless authorized to do so by the activity sponsors.
- Students are expected to participate in all planned activities, reporting promptly to meals, sessions and programs, tours etc.
- Students must observe curfew regulations as they pertain to “in the room” and “lights out.”
- Students will not have electronic music devices “on” during instruction or after “lights out”.
- Students will turn cell phones off during activity instruction and presentations.
- Students will be responsible for his/her personal belongings and equipment at all times.
- Students shall not possess, use, or consume mind-altering substances to include alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, mind- altering inhalants, and controlled substances as defined by United States Code. A substance legal in host nations but controlled in the United States is prohibited (DoDEA Discipline Regulation 2051.1).
- Students who bring, buy, or have weapons or weapon replicas either in their possession or amongst their personal property during a DoDEA-Europe sponsored student activity are in violation of DoDEA Regulations regarding “Zero Tolerance for Weapons.” Such items are not allowed at any time during a student activity and will be confiscated. The incident will be reported to the respective school official(s) for disciplinary action and the offense will be treated as a serious infraction.
- Students will dress appropriately for the activity. Dress should always be proper and in good taste.
- Students will respect that girls and boys rooms are “off limits” to members of the opposite sex.
- Students will ensure that the supervisors/chaperones approve of and know of their whereabouts at all times.
- Students are expected to exhibit mature student decorum throughout the activity. Students are expected to be kind, courteous, and respectful. The words “please” and “thank you” are important and do much to build and maintain a positive reputation of our students with activity staffs and host nation citizens.
- Students are expected to satisfactorily complete all required school assignments either prior to or immediately following the activity. This would include, but not be limited to, daily class assignments, projects, examinations, and system-wide tests.
- Minor infractions will result in restrictions and obligations being placed on the student (i.e. loss of privileges, cleaning tables, etc.). Serious infractions of any of the above items, as well as those discussed at the activity by the supervisors/chaperones will result in student removal from the activity. Except for attending meals, the student(s) will be restricted from the activity. The parents and the principal will be immediately notified. The student will be sent home at the earliest possible moment. Since the cost of return travel is not authorized under such circumstances, parents will be responsible for the cost of return travel of students removed from the activity.
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Students are authorized to drive privately owned vehicles (POV) to school. Students must register their car with the Main Office and park their cars in designated parking areas. Students will not drive their POV during school hours, including lunch. Students who drive to and from school are not allowed to transport any student. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action and a petition for loss of base driving privileges.
Related regulations
Eating/Drinking In School
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Students are allowed to eat or drink in the cafeteria, outside the building, and in the library with permission. Students may carry a clear or reusable water bottle with them throughout the day. Aside from drinking water, students may only eat or drink in classrooms with permission from a teacher.
Related regulations
Electronics and Computer Use
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Personal electronics including phones, and tablets are only allowed to be used for emergency or educational purposes. Students may not wear headphones or ear buds during the school day without expressed permission from a faculty member. Any inappropriate use of the computers or personal electronics may result in the cancellation of the student’s computer and internet privileges and progressive discipline. All students must have a signed agreement in each student’s record, before he/she is allowed access to the LAN system.
Related regulations
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Teachers may administer tests, exams, or quizzes at their discretion during the school year. If more than two tests are scheduled on the same day, students may request that any third test be rescheduled. The teachers will do their best to honor these requests. All examinations, tests, term papers, and major assignments handed in by students will be corrected and returned by the teacher in a timely manner. Students are expected to take all tests and exams when scheduled. This is particularly important for semester and final exams. Parents are encouraged to be sure children are in school during exam week, typically at the end of January and the beginning of June.
Related regulations
Graduation Exercise
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- Senior students who have fulfilled all requirements, academic and otherwise, will be allowed to participate in the June graduation exercises.
- Those students failing to meet the requirements will be notified prior to the ceremony and their privilege of participating withdrawn.
- Students will be required to purchase the selected cap, gown and tassel.
- All graduation rehearsals in are MANDATORY in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
- The graduation ceremony is a privilege not a right.
- Students are expected to conform to the graduation protocol in order to be eligible to attend the graduation ceremony.
Graduation Protocol
It is the policy of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) that the graduation ceremony at each Department of Defense High School be an occasion, which will be conducted with dignity and decorum. Students will be assured that this ceremony is held to honor them, but it also is a ceremony, which honors their parents and families, their communities, and all of the educators who have assisted them in reaching this milestone in their lives.
All graduating seniors must meet all graduation requirements outlined in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1367.01
Related regulations
Information Center (Library Media Center)
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The library provides students with resources for academic research, study, and recreational reading. The Internet section supports the school curriculum in all areas, offering a variety of print and non-print materials covering a variety of topics and interests. The media center or library is open and staffed from 07:30-1530. Students may use the library before school, during the lunch period, during the school day with a pass from their assigned teacher, and after school. Eating/drinking in the library is allowed in many areas. Visitors must register with the office before visiting the media center.
Related regulations
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The failure of a student to follow a reasonable request by any staff member is insubordination. Normally, insubordination results in detention. If the insubordination is accompanied by profanity or disrespect, disciplinary action may increase.
Related regulations
Interrogation and Search
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Interrogation and Search are covered by DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1353.01 Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Related regulations
Laser Light Pointers
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All categories of laser light pointers are prohibited from DoDEA student possession or non-staff supervised use in school or during school-sponsored activities. The Food and Drug Administration has determined that handheld laser pointers can cause serious eye damage.
Unapproved/Inappropriate Items
Possessions of items that are disruptive to the school environment are not permitted at school. These items include, but are not limited to lasers, skateboards, video games, radios, water guns, and toys. Normally, the first time an item is brought to school, it will be confiscated and given to the administration; the student will be allowed to obtain his/her confiscated property at the end of the school day. Further occurrences will result in the confiscation of the item, and it will be retained by the administration. It will only be released directly to the sponsor. Water guns will not be returned to students.
Items that are dangerous to the safety of others or have the potential to cause damage to personal or school property, such as, but not limited to, fireworks, smoke and stink bombs, eggs, aerosol sprays, silly string, lighters, matches, and shaving cream will be confiscated and will not be returned. When appropriate, these items will be given to the Security Police or the MOD. Students bringing these types of items to school could face disciplinary action.
AMHS teachers reserve the right to allow iPods, MP3 players, headphones, video games, radios, etc. in their individual classrooms only. Possession of these items in any other location is not permitted and is subject to confiscation by the administration.
Skateboards, roller blades, skates, and “wheelies” are not to be used on campus.
Related regulations
Leaving School Grounds
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Students are not to leave school grounds for any reason during the school day without prior parental permission arranged through the Main Office. Students who leave without permission and do not sign out will be considered truant. Students leaving during lunch will be required to sign out and back in using the procedures outlined at the beginning of the year.
Related regulations
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At the beginning of the school year, lockers are assigned by a faculty member and available for each student’s use.
- Lockers may not be shared without prior approval from school administration.
- The defacing of lockers (i.e., writing, marring, scratching, pictures or applying stickers) is considered vandalism and is prohibited.
- Students should use only a combination lock that is issued by the school. Combinations must be kept on file in the office and with the locker monitor in case of emergencies.
- Lockers should be kept locked at all times. Students who leave their lockers unsecured will have the contents removed and a keyed lock will be placed on the locker. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items left in unsecured lockers.
- Repeat offenders will lose locker privileges.
- Do not leave valuables in your locker!
- Do not share your locker or combination with anyone!
Related regulations
Medical Care
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This policy is under review
The Alconbury Middle High School nurse number is 01480-844307. The school nurse is located across from the main office in building 691. Students desiring to see the nurse must have a pass from their assigned teacher or the main office. Students who become ill or are injured during the school day are to report to the school nurse who will administer the necessary treatment and/or contact the parents to take the student home or to the hospital. Ill students should call parents from the nurse’s office before requesting a parent pick them up from school. Because of the inherent dangers associated with ill students who are dismissed to go home, it is required that sponsors or an authorized adult sign out ill students to ensure safest arrival home. It is imperative that sponsors ensure that current telephone numbers are on file at school. Sponsors should keep students who are ill at home. Sponsors should also inform the school of any known student health problems.
At the time of registration, parents are asked to complete USAFE Form 420 (Consent and Authorization for Medical Care). This form designates the school official (principal or designee) to authorize medical care in the absence of parents.
Related regulations
Medical Emergencies
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- AMHS will request an ambulance in instances of life-threatening injury, illness, serious fracture, or suspected fractures of large bones, where transportation requires a litter or backboard. Normally students will be taken to Hinchingbrooke Hospital, located between the Huntingdon train station and Brampton.
- The Alconbury base ambulance will also be contacted for true emergencies including serious eye injuries, chemical burns, or symptoms of severe shock.
- For routine treatment of injuries and illnesses not considered a true emergency, AMHS will contact the parent/sponsor.
Related regulations
Off-Limits Areas
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Areas of the base that are “OFF LIMITS” to students are:
- Private homes unless invited by a parent who will be in attendance. (Requires prior school approval and sign out procedure.)
- The dormitories of military personnel at any time, and walkways in between.
- Elementary school, unless school-related.
- Farmers’ fields.
- Military offices and clubs unless accompanied by a parent.
- Any other “Off Limits” areas as defined by base personnel.
Related regulations
Parent Organizations
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School Advisory Committee (SAC)
DoDEA Instruction 1358.01, March 31, 2020, outlines the establishment and function of the Advisory Committees. The union of the local committee is to advise the principal on matters affecting the operation of the school. The Alconbury Middle High School Advisory Committee (SAC) consists of two parents and two professional school employees elected for two years by those eligible to vote. A member of the student council is a liaison member. The school’s principal, faculty representative, an installation commander (or designee) also serve as liaison members but do not vote. Meetings are held a minimum of once per quarter.
DoDEA school administrators, in partnership with sponsors/family members, students, and military leaders, promote communication through the establishment of advisory committees to address issues (school initiatives, procedures and policies) locally.
AMHS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The Alconbury Middle High School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is an organization made up of parents, students, faculty, and community. The PTO is committed to supporting the entire academic and extra-curricular programs of the school. The PTO generally meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the school library at 1730. To contact the PTO, please email: AMHSPTO@gmail.com.
Related regulations
Parent-Teacher Conferences
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Parents are encouraged to bring their questions and concerns to the attention of their student’s teacher and/or appropriate school personnel. To make an appointment, parents can contact the teacher or counselor via email. During the end of October, parent teacher conferences will be held at Alconbury Middle High School. The school administration is also available for parent conferences; however, these conferences should only be arranged after you have first taken the opportunity to talk with the teacher.
Related regulations
Physical Examinations
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Students must have a physical examination before participating in school-sponsored athletic events. The physical may be obtained at the hospital or from a host country doctor and must be accomplished before the beginning of the athletic activity. The Athletic Physical forms are available in the main office.
Related regulations
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Students using profanity in common areas or in a classroom will be asked to refrain from further use of inappropriate language and referred to the administration.
Related regulations
Public Display of Affection
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Public display of affection at school is not appropriate. Failure to comply with the request to stop or a disrespectful response will result in a referral to the administration.
Related regulations
School Safety
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DoDEA schools and the military services all adhere to the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). SRP is a synthesis of common practices in use at DoDEA schools dependent on the threat which includes responses of Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuation, Shelter, and Reunification. It is simply a classroom response enhancement for critical incidents, designed to provide consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff and first responders. Drills of each of these responses are conducted throughout the year.
Related regulations
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All full-time students will be enrolled in a seminar period on Day 2 (Gold) from 1335-1500. It is important that everyone understands what seminar is and is not.
- The purpose of the seminar is to provide students an opportunity to get assistance where they may need additional help.
- It is a time when they can work on special projects with teachers, study for a test, catch up on homework, complete make-up work following an absence, work in the media center/library, and meet with counselor, etc.
- Seminar is NOT a social hour. Students are not allowed to sleep, watch YouTube, or listen to music during seminar.
- Normal attendance and tardy procedures will apply during the seminar period if a student is truant from seminar, he/she will be disciplined just the same as any other class.
- All students are assigned to a specific teacher and will report to that teacher at the beginning of the seminar period.
- Students must report to their assigned seminar class. Students who have made prior arrangements to work with a teacher other than their seminar teacher MUST present a pass from that teacher in order to be dismissed from seminar.
- Special assemblies, pep rallies, concerts, and other programs will be scheduled during seminar to avoid the loss of class time.
- Bring study material or work to the seminar class.
- Students may work quietly in pairs or in small groups if the seminar teacher agrees.
- The most important aspect of the seminar period is the freedom of the students to work with teachers. Students are encouraged to use their time wisely.
Related regulations
Signing In and Out
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Students must sign in at the Main Office when arriving at unscheduled times. Students that depart school early with a parent or guardian and school permission must also sign out in the Main Office. Parents or guardians must be present to sign a student out unless pre-approved arrangements are made with the principal’s permission. Students leaving campus for lunch must also sign out using QR codes or the google form.
Related regulations
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Students are prohibited from possessing or using tobacco or vaping products during the school day, en route to or from school, on or off school property, on school owned and operated buses or on chartered buses, or when participating in school-sponsored or school- supervised activities on or off campus. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action/consequence to be determined by the principal which may include referral to counseling or appropriate authority.
Related regulations
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Throwing snowballs at school is dangerous because of the threat to student safety and the potential for property damage. Throwing snowballs are not allowed and disciplinary action will be taken.
Related regulations
Special Education
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Alconbury Middle High School has a Case Study Committee (CSC), which meets frequently to determine the special needs of students through assessment results. Members of this committee include qualified teachers, consultants, and other specialists. Parents are always an integral part of the process. Special Education staff is employed at Alconbury Middle High School to plan and provide for identified needs. Questions may be addressed to the administration.
Students transferring to Alconbury Middle High School should present their IEP’s to the Registrar upon enrollment. Students with disabilities as defined by DoD 1342.12, may qualify for graduation by either satisfying the requirements outlined by DoDEA by earning the necessary Carnegie Units and maintaining above a 2.0 GPA or meeting the objective for graduation in their IEP.
Student Council
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The Student Council is the official student government organization. The council sponsors programs to promote school spirit, social and civic responsibility, and better faculty-student relations.
Related regulations
Study Trips
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- Sponsor and/or parent permission will be required before a student goes on a field trip. Students are expected to participate in school related field trips.
- All school policies and regulations governing student conduct are in effect during field trips.
- Sponsors may be required to pick up their student(s) form a field trip if the student(s) conduct warrants such action.
- Parents are notified in writing in advance of the trip regarding times, details, and are asked to sign and return a mandatory consent form for each student prior to the trip date.
- Students are responsible for completing assignments in classes missed during field trips.
- When a student knows that he/she will be absent, every effort should be made to coordinate assignments with teachers before the trip. Overnight field trips require more extensive preparation for parent, student, and teacher.
- Parents and students should read all information carefully and contact the teacher/sponsor if there are any questions or concerns. Be sure you know before you child leaves, the exact itinerary, departure and return times, and how much money they will need.
- The sponsors have been instructed by the administration to be extremely vigilant on overnight trips and to take all precautions to avoid student alcohol abuse, curfew violations, and students being in the wrong room.
- Chaperones should discuss with the trip sponsor exact their responsibilities and be provided an itinerary of the trip. Sponsors must let the chaperones know where they will be at all times.
- Please advise your son/daughter to be cooperative and follow the rules as stated by the person in charge. Students and parents must sign the Student Behavior Expectations form prior to departing on any school-sponsored field trip.
Related regulations
Suspension & Expulsion
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Suspensions are determined by the school administration. The length of the suspension may vary. Suspensions may be in-school or out-of-school and are considered excused absences. During the time students are suspended, they may not be present at school or attend any school-sponsored activities. Students who violate this prohibition from being at school or at school activities may have their suspension. A parent conference must be held prior to re- admission of the student to school. A written summary of the case will be provided to the parents, unit commander (for JAC personnel), base commander, and District Superintendent. Chronic or very serious offenses may be referred to the base’s family misconduct review board. All students who are suspended from class or school are required to complete all assignments of work and exams during that period. If the suspension period coincides with an exam period, the principal has the option to suspend and offer make-up examinations or to defer the suspension until after the exam period (including deferment to the start of the next semester).
When a very serious act of misconduct occurs, or total disregard of DoDEA policies/rules occur, expulsion may be necessary to protect the safety and rights of other students. When a principal determines an expulsion is necessary, a letter will be sent to the sponsor informing them of the charges against the student and inform the sponsor of the right to a formal hearing prior to the school requesting the expulsion. All students expelled from the DoD schools will be provided the opportunity to use correspondence courses or other appropriate educational programs for the duration of expulsion.
Related regulations
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Students are reminded to safeguard their own property and respect the property of others. Book bags and other materials should not be left unattended. Valuables should not be brought to school. Lockers should be secured when not in use. Students who continually leave their lockers unsecured or leave backpacks, book bags, etc. in common areas will lose their locker privileges. Students who are caught stealing from others may be suspended and reported to the community authorities.
High value items and significant sums of money should not be brought to school.
Related regulations
Threatening a Staff Member
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The safety and security of our students and staff is necessary to ensure the proper educational environment to maximize teaching and learning. Threatening a staff member will not be tolerated. A student who threatens a staff member will be met with the highest degree of discipline.
Related regulations
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The intentional destruction or damage to school property or the personal property of others is vandalism. Incidents of vandalism will be dealt with harshly. Serious incidents will be reported to the MOD, the Security Police and/or the Base Commander. Students will be expected to reimburse the United States Government or the person for all damages incurred. Students damaging or destroying school property or the personal property of others accidentally will not incur punitive action, but the student will be expected to reimburse the United States Government or person for the cost of the damage or destruction caused.
Related regulations
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- Parents who wish to visit the school are must sign in at the Main Office.
- If a parent wishes to see a teacher, principal or counselor, they are requested to make an appointment in order to avoid interrupting a class or another appointment.
- Parents who wish to visit classrooms: Please notify the Main Office 24 hours in advance of your proposed visit so that the necessary arrangements can be made to accommodate your request.
Related regulations
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Weapons are not allowed at school under any circumstances. DoDEA-Europe has a “ZERO TOLERANCE” weapons policy. A student possessing a weapon will be suspended and expulsion proceedings will be initiated. Possession of knives, sharp or pointed objects, guns, clubs, explosive devices or ammunition, or any other dangerous item will result in immediate disciplinary action and reporting to the parent/sponsor, Base Commander, Security Police, MOD, DoDEA District Superintendent, DoDEA Area Superintendent, and the sponsor’s major unit commander. Disposition of weapons and prohibited items is at the discretion of the administration and the Security Police. Incidents involving weapons are of the most serious nature. Any item when carried in a concealed manner, or if displayed openly, brandished or used in a threatening manner, or carried in the presence of other persons in a manner likely to make reasonable persons fear for their safety, can be considered a weapon. Realistic look-alike items will be included in this category.
USAREUR Reg. 190-6 and USAFE Reg. 125-17 provide the following lists of weapons as examples of prohibited items. This is not a complete listing; in the case of situations not specifically addressed, please contact your local Security Police.
Club-type hand weapons (for example: blackjacks, brass knuckles, nunchaku).
Strangulation, barbed wire flails, bicycle chains (chains of any type including those in wallets or keys), canes with sharp points, broken bottles or glasses, small knives with retractable blades.
- Tanto, karma, tofu, yawara or other like martial art weapons or practice devices.
- Guns of any type and ammunition.
- Blank cartridge pistols.
- Locking blade knives, regardless of length, and other knives with blades 3 inches or longer.
- Any of the following, if carried in a concealed manner or if displayed openly, brandished or carried in the presence of other persons in a manner likely to make reasonable persons fear for their safety: straight razor, sling shots, switchblade knives, razor blades or weapons made from razor blades, authentic appearing replica of a firearm (for example: toy guns/bb guns).