About Our School

School Mission/Vision


Inspire, educate, and prepare each student for success in a changing world.


To be among the world's leaders in education, enriching the lives of military-connected students and the communities in which they live.

About Our School

Alconbury Middle High School is located at RAF Alconbury, 70 miles north of London, near the junction of A14 and A1 motorways in Cambridgeshire, England. The nearest local community is Huntingdon.

The first dependents school in the Alconbury area was opened at RAF Molesworth in 1951 and enrolled students in grades 1-9. Grade 10 was added in 1960. The RAF Molesworth school closed in June 1974 and its activities relocated to the present site at RAF Alconbury. Students from RAF Chicksands began attending Alconbury Junior High School in 1976 and ended their tour in 1995. Additional buildings for Automotive Technology, Business Education, and Physical Education were added in 1981. Grades 11 and 12 were added at the start of school year 1981-82, at which time Alconbury became a full high school.

Students in grades 6-12 from RAF Alconbury, RAF Molesworth, and RAF Wyton now attend Alconbury Middle High School.

School Goals

Europe West School Improvement Goals

SMART Objective (Literacy)

By the end of SY 2023-2024, grades 3-8 and 10 will increase the percentage of students scoring at the meets/exceeds performance levels by 5% AND decrease the % of students in the did not meet or partially met performance levels by 3% over two years from current performance (SY2021-2022, TBD) as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSL summative assessment.

SMART Objective (Math) 

By the end of SY 2023-2024, Algebra will increase the percentage of students scoring at the meets/exceeds performance levels by 5% AND decrease the % of students in the did not meet or partially met performance levels by 3% over two years from current performance (SY2021-2022, TBD) as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSM summative assessment.

Chain of Command

Assistant Principal for Alconbury MHS

Taekisha Vaughan

Unit 5609
APO, AE 09470-5609
United States

+44 (0)163-846-0120
Alconbury Middle High School official mascot Dragon
Enrollment: 219
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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